Give yourself a break

Life isn't meant to be difficult.  Due to social conditioning, most of us feel we have to be constantly thriving, working hard towards our goals and being the best at everything.  My spiritual teacher once said to me 'Stop trying to be the CEO'.  This was when I was trying to juggle motherhood, my interior design business, part-time lecturing, as well as starting my fashion accessories label.  I was trying to do everything right, the best that I could, with 100% effort.  The reality was,  I never managed to give 100% effort due to exhaustion and was always dissatisfied partly because I set my expectations too high.

As I feel more balanced and in the flow, the more I live in the moment, when things matter the most.  What happened yesterday shouldn't bother me today, and why worry about something that may, or may not happen in the future?  Dealing with everything that happens right now is way better than dealing with the past and the future.  Be kind to yourself, and know that we don't have to be in control all the time.  The less control we feel we need over life, the more carefree we become and freedom we experience.  Who doesn't want to feel as free as a bird?

Be like a bird. Spread your wings and fly high in the sky.

Be like a bird. Spread your wings and fly high in the sky.


The half an hour start