How to start navigating through life with ease

I had an interesting conversation about positivity with some friends the other day. Very recently, we see a trend of positive quotes, positive energy, positive thinking etc being heavily promoted on social media, however, most of them do not stress enough upon the importance of releasing negative thoughts, feelings and energy. The danger of this is that we may be suppressing our negative emotions instead of diverting our focus and energy on the present, which is ultimately what everyone agrees to be the method for achieving happiness.

People who have known me for more than a decade would know that I am now the happiest I have ever been. I have learnt to realise the importance of focusing on the now but also acknowledging the past before I let go of it. It was only when I started practicing this that I began to behave in a positive manner as the past is no longer holding me back. The pressure of needing to be positive in order to manifest positive things, although true, can sometimes lead to emotions being suppressed and issues remaining unresolved. It’s a fine balance between thinking you are positive and being positive because you are free from your demons. In my humble opinion, I think the first step we have to take on our spiritual journey is self-acceptance. It is okay for us to feel, behave and react the way we do, fundamentally what is important is to learn how to let go of things that have led us to behave in a negative way and are no longer serving us. That might sound very easy but letting go is probably one of the hardest things you will ever have to do although it gets easier once you get the hang of it.

A good way to practice this is to journal your thoughts whenever you feel you are stuck in the rut. If you don’t meditate, start now, and if you are not ready, you can start spending a little time everyday to reflect on things that may be affecting you. Reflect, acknowledge then let go. Don’t be self critical, write it down without judgment and desire to get attached to it emotionally. This journal will become your dumping ground, everything that is playing on repeat in your head can now be released in order to make space for the positives in the future.

‘Wheel of Life’ - Customised artwork I created for my client in 2015

‘Wheel of Life’ - Customised artwork I created for my client in 2015


Patience and awareness